Wednesday, November 07, 2007

It Just Gets Better

Snow again this morning. What they call a "light dusting". I call it "fucking hell".

It was Election night in the ol' town last night and boy was it a doozy. To make a long story as short as feasibly possible, the dick-touching hugging Vice-Mayor is now the dick-touching hugging Mayor. Joy. Give more juice to this dude so he can wield it from the dais and make me do more hoop-jumping. That's just the thing I need as I become more demoralized by this gig and this town.

To top it off, you know the loud mouth chick in your office that you hate to see coming? The one who makes every molehill into a mountain? The drama queen? If you don't know her, it's probably you. Anyway, these savants just elected THAT chick to the city commission. That'll lengthen my meeting times by about 2 hours.

I got resumes everywhere. I know the process will slow down as the holidays approach. Most cities work slowly anyway, but during the holidays, that shit pretty much stops. People are like "Fuck this, we can't get him hired before January anyway, let's not interview until then". And there lies my fate.

In the meantime I have two positions I have to fill BEFORE January and it doesn't look good. HR is running on autopilot right now and I'm not motivated.

Two days until the weekend.

Stay Focused,


Blah Blah Blah said... rained...then it stopped...then it was cloudy...but now it's just cold...but we have blue skies...
Figured I'd give you my weather since you gave me yours...

Savant...nice usage.

Clearly from this have not even considered the rabbit masacre...but two days...and it's ON!
*that's another one I hate..It's On!...wiggity wiggity wack*

onefromphilly said...

Just keep counting down.
It will get here, it just has to....

Nexgrl said...

It seems as if you might be in need of another long vacation!

A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

ever since i read Tuff by Paul Beatty I wanted to run for Council...

Knockout Zed said...

It's ON, indeed. Yeaaaaaahhhh boyee!

It seems inevitable that the weekend will arrive, but it's taking it's sweet time.

I need one, but then I'd be right back in the midst of THIS bullshit.

I own Tuff but I've never read it. I don't need another reminder of my inadequacies as a writer.


A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

you should read'll laugh aloud!

aquababie said...

i loved "tuff". good book :) i'm waiting on the long weekend too.

Little Brown Girl said...

Hang in there Zeddie Bears!