Friday, June 27, 2008

John Cougar Summercamp

Well it's Friday. I don't have to come back to this god-forsaken hell hole until July 7th. I get to relax on the sunny shores of Crime Village for 10 days because airline fares are off the fucking chain. But at least I won't be here. At the very least.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm too fucked up to be a success. I mean a REAL success. I hate dealing with people and I have lots of patience issues. I get presented with opportunities and I'm too lazy to follow through. I'm in the midst of that right now.

People call me and they always want something. I'm too fucking lazy to be the point person for anything. Phone calls make me sleepy. Bitchin' ass people make me ill.

Every gig I'm at I feel an overwhelming need to get the fuck out of it as soon as possible. In this economy it's not working like I'd like it too, so I feel even more stuck.

I'll take next week off and relax somewhat, though wedding planning will be going on all around me. Try to do something in Detroit that Vegas, with the 1,000 conference sessions I had to attend, couldn't do: take my mind off this fucking job.

See Y'all Later,


The Second Sixty-Eight said...

LMAO @ "the sunny shores of Crime Village". And welcome back to civilization.

Have fun with the wedding planning.

ChezNiki said...

That's what caller-id and email filters are made for. Enjoy your Vacay.

Airfare is through the roof, and dont try to drive anywhere without a horse and carriage... actually, with all those floods in the midwest, feeding the horse may be as expensive as filling the gas tank! I think they called it a "Stay-cation" on the Today Show. Where you take vacation in your own d*mn house!


So...Wise...Sista said...

Pretty sure we're the same person (penis omitted).

A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

enjoy your vacay and wedding planning on the shores of crime city...

and just think you still have your teeth and most of your wits and beautiful lady that will soon be your wife..

i call that a total success!

proacTiff said...

you sound like me. a renaissance soul. look into that shit on the real. alas, you probably won't have the unction to follow thru with even that. as for the wedding planning i say all you should be required to do is show the fuck up. me and big romantic blissed-out weddings is the cynical equivalent to you and meetings. i got married at the house, no bridesmaids or groomsmen, a few friends and all family; no fancy food blah blah blah. seriously, i wouldn't change that event for the world. i even hate going to fake ass fendi-type weddings. all show and for who? i'm not the type chick who dreamed of "the big day." be easy...

Monie said...

Have a good little vacay!

Nexgrl said...

Enjoy your time away from the job. I hope that upon your return, you are refreshed and ready to do battle with the world that is Satin's Anus.