Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Things I Discovered The Past Few Days

Def Comedy Jam is about as funny as beating a bag full of kittens with a spiked bat.

Randy Newman should update his song "Short People" replacing with word "short" with "white" and "people" with "women".

I fuckin' hate shows using funny little puns with the main character's name. For example: "On the new show 'Towne and Country', an old school doctor named Henry Towne teams up with a new school doctor Adam Country..."

Fuck what you heard, The Bundy's had a pretty nice house for a one income, minimum wage earning family.

Pussy earned is much better than pussy offered.

Hip-Hop died in 1998 of an overdose of cocaine, champagne and derby hats.

If you are Black and you have a Spanish last name, you are fair game for any racist assed Latin tinged jokes other Black people can throw at you.

If there is a language barrier, however slight, being witty is useless.

Kyle Powell was a cool ass brother that I didn't keep in touch with after college. I'm sorry I had to catch up with him this way.

Divorce is a fucked up thing. My 12 year old niece misses my ex-wife. She basically knew her from age 3 - age 9 and they've never lived in the same city.

I fuckin' hate TV cops. They are the worst fuckers ever. Well, only behind real cops.

Batshit told me that it's been noted that I come off stuck up. Me? Really?

I really ought to be nicer to Blah Blah Blah. Sometimes she's the only honest feedback I get.
Now will you please turn your comments section back on?

I've pretty much made the last group of friends I'll ever have. I don't know if that's good or bad.

Be Easy,


Blah Blah Blah said...

One thing: Have we as a country run out of funny comedians? I mean this new season of Def Jam started off with the same round up they had when it first aired...da hell?

You have never experienced an Oakland cop with the snad knuckle gloves before behind a deserted gas station at 3 in da mornin'...neither have I...but I watched someone get their ass beat down...!!!!

Love you too big guy! Comments still stay OFF

Ming Houser, Realtor said...

Def Jam is lame. What I thought was real lame was Katt going on there doing the same jokes from his stand-up. Not classy!

Little Brown Girl said...

Ok wait a're really on some shyt today. I'm not going to take certain comments personal though *hmpf* but I will say that this was my favorite...

"Pussy earned is much better than pussy offered"

Wish more men felt that way.

Oh and sorry to hear about your friend...he seemed pretty young to be dying of natural causes.

Back to you...ummm seriously though *scratching my head* Let me be honest with you (since you don't think I am *wink*) You're 35...dude you haven't even lived half your life. Your going to make more friends and your going to fall in love again...this next time will likely be for keeps. Divorce is fuked up but shyt most things in this life are after a couple just gotta be ready to stick and move.

I want to say that the Anus has you in a tizzy this last couple of weeks, or perhaps your just in a stankin azz place right now...both are cool, but just don't ever for one second think that this is all it will ever be. Don't count yourself out like're too cool of a cat to think that this shyt won't be better then whatever it is like today.

Now you can tell me to shut the fuk up if you want (most people do) but at the end of the day...I'm just being honest with you *hmpf*

Knockout Zed said...


I didn't see Katt's solo, but I had to stop watching DCJ period.

I can't wait to jet. I'm itchin' to jet. I'm pretty much at the mercy of my desires right now. To be unable to fully express my feelings, the feeling of being back burnered for some unworthy shit is hard to swallow.

I'll blog and I'll write. And pretty soon I'll be where I want to be emotionally and physically. It's a matter of time.


Knockout Zed said...

I forgot to address the Kyle thing. Kyle was having issues with his liver. He was newly married, just about a year ago. His wife donated part of her liver to him so his could have some healthy function, but it wasn't enough.

Kyle got really tight with my boy Three when I was kicked out of school. When I came back, he was right in the mix with us. He was an all around funny, decent cat.


Mr.Slish said...

Heeeee's baaaaack...

The Brown Blogger said...

Dammit man...

I'm at a loss.

About your boy, my condolences. It seems to affect us all once 30 is in the rear view. The Creator indeed has a master plan.

As you you dun:

And fuck Def Comedy Jam. We got more originality than this.

onefromphilly said...

Some things are just funnier as re-runs. Def Comedy Jam is one of those. The re-runs on DVD have me rollin on the floor. This new one leaves me scratching my head *why is this on again* ???

Anonymous said...

Dude, you are depressing me. Why do you think you won't make any more friends?

Knockout Zed said...

What up, Blog Mayor! Slish Bloomberg!

I need to learn patience. I thought I had it, but naw. That's not the case.

Thanks for the condolences.

I hate to be a fogey on that shit, but the old stuff is much better.

How many more real friends you think you getting at this point? Actually, you're younger than I am, so you might still gain some. I think you're done past 30.

I have only seen Jason's Lyric once, and that was when it first came out. I can't even remember what it was about.

My golden age is 88 - 94. We got slight overlap. I think it's the teen/early twenties that got us both as golden years.

I love BBB. Except she won't let a brotha comment.


BZ said...

"If you are black and have a Spanish last name..."

Hell, if you just have a Spanish last name!

Sh*t, I just sneezed and blew saliva all over my hand. I can't finish!

Angel said...

"Pussy earned is much better than pussy offered"....i dont know about this one zeddy ruxpin. especially with the analogy you used about beating a bag full of kittens...lemme guess, is your dyck the spiked bat? :-/

Anonymous said...

I don't know but I'm not going to say that I won't find any. Robyn was 30 when I met an optimist just once, please...

Knockout Zed said...

You get that too? I always get shit like "You too black to be a Mexican!"

Wipe up that spit!

If you keep handing me the pussy, I'mma think it's worfless. Ain't nobody ever gave me shit worth anything.

For you, I'll look on the bright side.

Duh! Man I forgot! Yeah, that's some corny shit.

The only thing I remember about Jason's Lyric was that fuckin' Lisa Nicole Carson. Gotdamn!


EqualOpportunityCrush said...

I can hardly remember Def Comedy Jam being funny.. it was always hit or miss.. usually miss.

divorce sucks, but so does a lot of other shit in life.. nobody said life was easy.. if ain't divorce, it's disease, drama, hardship or some other shit. be easy. it's a part of life. you are obviously still kind bitter and hurt from that relationship. just another life experience; u gotta take the good with the bad

and stop with the woe is me, i'm not going to make more friends.. cry me a river.. you'll be alright and i'm sure you'll make more friends in the future.. cheer up Zed, it'll be alright.

The Brown Blogger said...

Praise be his name...

Where is she now?
Never mind, there's always Google Images

ANd Google Video... oh, I mean YouTube...

damn... I need lubricant!

Organized Noise said...

I'm with you, "pussy earned is definitely better than pussy offered", but who is the one that determines if you've earned it, and do you take it if its offered before you earned it. Rhetorical questions of course, just where my head is at right now.

what you said about meeting the last group of friends you'll ever meet was deep. I think we are all there and don't even realize it.

Anonymous said...

Come on, there have a been a few funny moments on Def Comedy Jam; few and far between, but

"Pussy earned is much better than pussy offered"...well dammit could you sell other men on that concept please?

aquababie said...

i'm sad to hear about your friend. anyone dying young makes me think am i doing what i should.

and def jam does suck.

you're right. divorce does suck. but i'm sure glad i am.

DivineLavender said...

Man Zed....Pussy offered is much better than some pussy earned. I ain't jumping through some hoops for some pussy. Give it up...or I walk away...ain't got time for those games.

I am too dayum old to be earning shit other than my salary and a speeding ticket.

Knockout Zed said...

I'll stop with the depressing shit right after this one: I had to brush snow off my car this morning.

OK, I'm done.

LNC has officially fallen off the face of the earth. She was on her way to being a wet dream icon. I don't know where she is.

You know when you've earned it. You are the determinant factor. In your mind, if you feel it was too easy, step back.

I thought about having my last group of friends because it's like there are only so many people who will ever "get" you. And I just lost one.

First off, thanks for the love. You helped me get back on this thing.

On that pussy earned thing, don't set the bar so high that only desperate Africans earn it!!!

I know people think I haven't gotten over mine. I have. I would be able to get married tomorrow if the right woman came along. My divorce, probably like yours, was necessary. There was some shit she did that SHOULDN'T be forgotten, so I'm keeping it alive.

I'm sure girls trying to get pussy have it much easier than guys. As a matter of fact, I know it to be true.


NegroPino™ said...

I agree with u on the Def Comedy has its moments...Cuz Capone was funny as hell...i liked TOny ROck.....but Mike EPPS...BOOOOOOOO

Miz JJ said...

Divorce is a fucked up thing. It's hard for kids to understand that shit. I know it was for me when I was that age and people disapeared from my life.

You come off stuck up? People with standards and who don't give a fuck what others think about them often times come off stuck up. Brush that dirt off your shoulders.

sunshine said...

Sorry to hear about your class mate..

Pussy earned is better than pussy offered..I agree

Knockout Zed said...

I think Mike Epps, a comedian who I used really like, might be the biggest part of what I hate. You may have hit the nail on the head.

@Miz JJ
I guess it's kind of weird when people disappear like that. I kind of just accepted it when I was a kid. I don't know if I didn't care enough or if I actually understood. I just didn't ask about 'em.

If you met me, I think it would be hard to think of me as stuck up. Really. If ever there was a man of the people, at least to women, I'm that dude.

Like I said before, don't go raising the bar to a crazy ass height!!!

KZ said...

Def Jam has been off for a minute.

How can a 36 year old die of natural causes? I wonder if he had a pissed off wife? My he rest in peace.

F*ck the POLICE!

Oh! And it is way more fun to give up the nookie when the man has earned it!
