Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Bitch Go Away!!!

I walked outside this morning and was greeted with snow. Hello West Mi.chigan. Another beautiful day in paradise.

It's gloomy as shit. Miserable outside. I think I gotta fire my dry cleaner. And I have yet another "reporting out" meeting this morning.

My boss loves meetings where we give verbal status reports. This will be my 3rd one this week. Yes, it is only Tuesday.

Staff keeps coming in, my boss keeps coming in. And all I can think is "Bitch, go away". To everybody. To everything.

The snow, the work, the work week, the blueprints, the proposals, the grants, the reports, the bills, the bullshit. Bitch, go away.

Three days away from a three day weekend. And it can't come soon enough.

Be Easy,


A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

you know up until recently i really didn't know what to make of your boss the over meeter guy until my recent job...

This dude likes to have a meeting about the meeting and then a meeting afterwards to down load.

Combined with his incessant follow up emails your girl is losing it....

PS~It was so cold in LA today I had to wear gloves when I went jogging.

Aly Cat 121 said...

That should be a t-shirt. LOL. Maybe I can get one for my Hubby to where to work, cuz apparently yall work at the same place.

Nexgrl said...

That's the thought running through my mind each time one of the "regulars" approaches me at the reference desk. Too bad those folks can't read minds

Gemini Girl aka GG said...

put a sign outside your door that says "bunnies fukn, go away"...that'll teach em! LMAO!!!