Saturday, March 08, 2008


They might as well show clips from "Soul Plane" behind Hillary's dumb ass every time she speaks. "Do you want the White House to turn into this?" I came from "Fuck bouf 'a dem" to "Fuck her" in regards to voting in November. I'll really sit this thing out for the first time in my life if she's the nominee. McCain/Clinton is not a choice. That shit is "head or gut" as we used to say. You're dead either way.

I wrote a poem to TAD today at work called "I Really Enjoy Your Vagina". It's kinda wack. It don't rhyme or nothing.

I moved into a place that doesn't come with fucking window shades. How low class is that? I got really gully and basically had curtains nailed to the windows. I finally put in blinds today. I gives a fuck where I live next, I'm taking those fucking blinds out of spite.

I'm working on a "high level" (for Satan's Anus) project that's taking a lot of my time. In the meantime I have to get all the other shit I do done. In the midst of this, I got a dumb assed secretary who everytime I give her an assignment, she asks me questions about every aspect of it. She can never be given anything and just run with it. She has to ask a million questions about the simplest shit, even shit she's done time and time again. On Wednesday that chick gave me 12 drafts of a spreadsheet I asked her to make. Not from scratch, mind you, but a modification of an existing spreadsheet. I wrote what I wanted exactly on a copy of the old one and it took her 12 times to get it "right". I put "right" in quotes because it's still not the fucking way I want it.
I've started taking duties from her and spreading it to other clerical staff and she's getting paranoid, like she's being made obsolete. Her gotdamn job is safe, the union is making sure of that. I'll have that imbecile until I leave.

I know I'm repeating myself, but fuck, I don't have a lot to write about.



Mr.Slish said...

Why are you even up this early...Hold up I'm up this early...Give a brotha a call lets catch up..

proacTiff said...

she blonde? would you prefer fransworth bently, current imbecile or mccain/clinton?

Knockout Zed said...

I got problems. Apparently you do too! LOL

I'll be calling you this weekend.

Yes, she is blonde. I guess that's not a myth.

I'd try none of the above.


Blah Blah Blah said...
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Blah Blah Blah said...

I want you to post the poem...


Zed spiteful? Huh? Nu-uh...not Zed!

...the fat lil white kid on Soul Plane was funny... but sadly, not as funnay as the lil white kid from Smokin' Aces

I went snowboarding this weekend.I think I broke something...
musta...'cause I hurt all places I ddn't think had any feeling...
feelings...whoa whoa whoa feelings.

A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

if I knew how to hang blinds I could replace all the broken ones in my living room.

i don't know how I broke them all but I sure as hell did, and now I have crack head broken blinds that depress me!

Aly Cat 121 said...

LOL @ Aunt Jackie, not the crackhead blinds? LOL

Ohhh a "ward state" assistant. They suck because then all the OTHER assistants who are already swamped, have to take up there dayum slack but for some reason are not getting the same pay as said slacker. Sorry I had a lil flash back to my University of California days.