Nuance. It's an art I fear is lost on the black community. I have actually talked to people, black people, who were standoffish about Ob.ama because they'd gotten an email that said he was a Muslim. That was the reason for being standoffish. Not because his platform was wack or they didn't think he'd be a good leader, but because **GASP** he might be a Muslim. You dumb black motherfuckers. Never mind the fact that it's not true, but what the fuck if it is? You've had 43 "Christian" presidents. Where the fuck has it gotten you? Hunh? You got sent the email because you are dumb enough for his religion to matter to you even though you've been governed by 43 godless crackers. You even called one of these crackers an honorary "black". You lack the nuance gene, my African.
Now, since it's the Easter season, I have yet another reason to bemoan the loss of nuance. Broad acting, blatant musical cues, evil people acting overtly mean, good people being fucking angelic. Yes, Africans, it's a Tyler Perry movie!!! It's like a national holiday for subtlety and sophisticated wit. You both have a day off, Subtlety and Sophistication. Go play catch with your kids!
Fucking black people.
That pisses me off too. If he was a Muslim, so what????? Is that criteria for not electing someone?
Your sentiment is shared here, thats for damn sure. I'm growing weary of ALL this shit. It has become blatantly clear that folks don't read between the lines, they don't pay attention to details, muthascunnas don't seek TRUTH. Short attention spans, blurbs, and 10 second news reporting is killin' the game. Society is sorta fukked, huh?
Blacks are wack!
*you know I laughed my ass off when I read that last big ol' black african!*
Undercover Black
black on the half-shell
While I'm chuckling, inside I'm more than a little irritated. I've had folks, Black folks, that I thought had a modicum of intelligence/common sense try to school me on this nonsense.
Give me something reasonable. You don't like his policies, you think he is too young, you don't like his choice in suits! But don't tell me some urban legand nonsense and try to pass it off as fact. Google is FREE people.
Ignorance is a choice. With all the information out there I feel like there is no longer an excuse. Get a library card, which is free and go read a book.
Tyler Perry movies make my head hurt. He definitely writes for the lowest common denominator, but look...he's rich!
I have very little faith in the intelligence of humans. I always expect so little from people. And they never fail to exceed my expectations.
How about the other reason..."I'm not gonna vote for Obama because I know someone will try to assasinate him" Uhhhh I think Dubya is the most hated man on the planet!!!!
it's so hot in floss angeles that i damn near had to order an iced coffee at 9:30 in the morning...
you and tad should really and truly consider moving west of the mississippi.
i'm just saying, sundresses and flip flops:-)
I love this post - hilarious, sad, and true.
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