Monday, September 08, 2008

Mildly Retarded

So Friday, we had to go on a management retreat to discuss who we are and our "feelings". This type of shit rankles me to no end. Why? Because it's really none of your gotdamn business what makes me tick. It's your business to ask me to perform a task and it's my business to perform that task. Fuck how I tick, you tick, or the gotdamn public ticks.

The job can only give me half of what makes me tick. Until the job grows a pussy, they're fucked as far as my complete satisfaction goes. Fuck them for wanting that much information. I don't want that much information from the staff I'm over. Just do what the fuck I tell you to do. I don't give a fuck about your job satisfaction, just do what the fuck I say.

Maybe I'm a little off, maybe slightly mentally deficient, but in this little barter system we have set up, I figure either I do the job I get paid for or I get replaced. Who gives a fuck as to what motivates me to perform. You gotta work to eat, as the saying goes.

Man, fuck this whole place entirely.



A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

well tell us how you really feel!

I mean it sounds like you are mildly dissatified but i can't be certain unless you open up!

The Maven said...

Damn, Z.

Somehow, I imagine you sitting amongst those folks, feeding them a bunch if B.S. about yourself while you laugh your ass off inside because they seem to believe you.

onefromphilly said...

Whenever I'm made to sit in those BS sessions all dayum day....oh I participate. I OVER participate and take the hell over if nobody stops me. I have comments about every dayum thing, and I drink 2 Mountain Dews first thing in the morning to make sure I'm firing on 8 cylinders. By the end of the day I hate me! LOL
Their punishment for making me sit through that shyt.

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Oh come now Zed! You already know what the hell is up!

They gotta do that so they can find out just what sneaky ass intangibles that they can add to your "employment experience" to get that extra few percent out of your ass without actually paying you for it. You know, they need to see how much more shit they can pile on your plate for the price they are currently paying but not to so much that you go postal on their asses!

ChezNiki said...

During these "retreats" I just enjoy being off-site and having the job pick up my lunch! LOL!

Knockout Zed said...

I was being extremely mild. I hate this place, yo.

I've lost the the ability to be detached and laugh about it. They put my inner child in an abandoned refrigerator and he suffocated.

I can't fake it. I'd pass out, or strangle the facilitator or something. Somebody would be maimed most likely.

@2nd 68
Yeah, these are the intangibles that they can call "training" and lie as though they've made me a better person. I hate 'em all.

These muthafuckas would have to pay my grocery bill for a month to make me OK. I wonder what it would take for them to look around a room of 22 directors and deputy directors and see the hypocrisy of touting openness and opportunity, while only one black man sits amongst them.


aquababie said...

lawd i hope you find another job.

i've never been to one of those touchy-feely things... thank goodness. i can't stand be around some of the folk i work with for 8 hours, let along a weekend. said...

Fuck em! Fuck em ALL! Bastards...

Shai said...

Sounds like some crap I went to years ago. Ever heard of Landmark Forum? Some cultist, feely good, bibble-babble. LOL. Just could have given the money as a raise. LOL.

Anonymous said... they will make you take the myers-briggs...
woooooooooooooosaaaaaaaaaah yeah you gotta get another gig