Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mid Week Malaise

Hey Africans (Bootleg, that is), I'm still here. My weekend sucked and my week is not going any better.

I'm swamped at the gig and I need to write. Really write, not blog.

I was in Detroit this past weekend and me and my boy Three went to this bookstore. This local chick was selling her book. I bought it to support her hustle. Atrocious. Really, really bad. But she's published, which means I'm slacking. I gotta write.

I'll talk to y'all soon.



Mr.Slish said...

I hear you. I feel the same way sometimes.

Supa said...


There is a whooollle lotta bullshit out on them there shelves, Zeddie. Do YOUR thing, African!!!

WRITE. I'ma do the same....

EqualOpportunityCrush said...

well even though her book might have been garbage, at least the chick was kind of inspirational to you. now you're about to get on the ball and do the damned thing.

Honest said...

Hoping to see your great novel on bookshelves soon.

nikki said...

no DOUBT. some really shitty stuff out there.

but i've read some really GREAT stuff lately from fellow bloggers. hope to add you to the list soon!

chele said...

I know what you mean. Everyday I read over my outline and tell myself -- "get started already"! Procrastination is a bitch.

Phoenix said...

Great for you. Let me know when your book tour will be in my city! I will be there to get my copy autographed.

princessdominique said...

Just passing through...I'll be backt to check out more. Seems like everybody is leaving blogland and I have to find some new favs.

Hyps said...

Well, I'll looking out for it but I'm sure you (read: you better) let us know anyay.

and by the way 14 pounds = 1 Stone...

lyre said...

I will be honest. What you write bothers me on a deep level but i cant seem to stop reading you. You give me an iceberg slim feeling. Like you are speaking what I fear. Take a week and write. See what comes out. I just know you will be on the best seller list having all the religions banning your book. Which will mean millions for you! :-) Love you my African King! and i will pray for your soul. hahahahahaha

Knockout Zed said...

On top of everything else it's been raining steadily for 4 days straight. I feel like Morgan Freeman in "Seven".

At least you've already PRODUCED!!! No fruits of my labor yet.

Hopefully it works that way. Or it works for a minute and I return to my trifling ways.

It's going to be fulla sex and guns and dope dealers and homos. Ooops, my bad. That all the shit that's ALREADY out there!

I suck! Personally I can't wait for YOU to do your thang.

What's worse is that I have the thing written in my head. It's just about putting it to paper. Maybe I could dictate it to my secretary.

I'm surrounded by you authors!!!

So when I get to England (Britain?), I can just ask for a half stone of weed, right?

Trust me when I tell you that this blog is helping me to track my thoughts when it comes to the typical male id (Freudian shit). This is central to my novel. I'm not exposing myself to scrutiny and ridicule (or upsetting a lot of women) for kicks.


The Stiltwalker said...

atrocious. ha ha. I'm thinking of publishing some poetry stuff myself. I'm very excited about the possible reviews. I always got interestingly disturbing ones from my newspaper days...

Waddie G. said...

do your thing man...

Sangindiva said...

I feel you-
I need to get busy on my project too.
So get your write on...
just make sure you are available for a break on
June 23rd! :)

Knockout Zed said...

As long as they're about sex, I'll read 'em.

That's my man right there. Maybe we can turn it into a screenplay and you can do yo' thang!

I need all the support I can get.

My book is about 4 college friends and how they work to undermine standards of acceptable social behavior. It's called Adolf Farrakhan and the Pussy Cannibals.

I'll be right here. Waiting.


Blah Blah Blah said...

I actually like that title.

You finish your book deal, we leave Satan's Anus...scratch that...I like that college incentive. We'll stay in SA and bring the kids up under the "promise".

Sound like a plan?

Knockout Zed said...

@Blah Blah Blah
I miss you. I miss the way you say "Hey you". I miss your scent, your casualness, your smile. I miss you quoting "The Godfather". I miss your picky ass eating habits.

So yeah, come back to Satan's Anus so we can make some babies.


i like liquor and tv said...

Man I feel ya. I bought this chick's book since she was having a book signing at the mall and no one was checking for her. So I bought the book cause I felt sorry for her.

Man that book sucked. It was HORRIBLE. It was about some chicks who were tight, fell out, then got tight again at the end. The book had typos and everything.

So go ahead and do your thang. I know you're gonna dedicate the book to your blog

Knockout Zed said...

@Liquor and TV
What's with the typos in these badly written muthafuckas? Spellcheck has been in effect how long? The problem is mostly with homophones.

"Their was a waistbasket near her bear, hareless leg. The smell feeled the heir."

If you ever want to laugh your ass off about the state of literature in Black America, read a book called "Y.B.I." about the drug game in Detroit circa 1982. It is the most poorly written book I've ever read.


i like liquor and tv said...

So true "they're" books suck.

lol@YBI, that sounds horrible already

Dissident Sister said...

Please tell me that Adolf Farrakhan and the Pussy Cannibals is the real name of your book. Shit. I need to quit reading your book when I'm in the coffeeshop. I'm about to get thrown out of here.

Or I'm about to steal a brother's title and make my millions!