Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Urgency

I was in the "D" visiting T.A.D. on Sunday and Monday. We went to this play on Sunday evening. It was decent, earnest in its efforts. Before the play started, T.A.D. and I were cracking on people coming through the door. We got busted by this couple sitting next to us. "Y'all havin' too much fun down there talkin' about folks!"

After we left the play, we went out to eat then we went back to her crib and watched "Litt.le Miss Sun.shine", which was a funny movie, at least the parts we saw in between talking. I brought a few DVDs with me. I put in "Love Jones", a movie I hadn't seen in close to ten years. T.A.D. was pretty much down for the count by the time I started it, but she tried to be a trooper.

As I watched the movie, I realized the dude I'd identified with so much when the movie came out, struck me as a complete cornball. I was watching thinking "What is this African on?" It got painful in spots. The overall emotional impact of the joint was still major. I remember instances in a bunch of different relationships that mirrored the shit that the protagonist was going through. When something would ring especially true, I'd look over at T.A.D. who by this time was intermittently knocked out and awake.

It was at the end when I was completely brought back to the emotional heft that movie has had for me all these years.

Nina: You always want what you want when you want it. Why is everything so urgent with you?
Darius: Let me tell you somethin'. This here, right now, at this very moment, is all that matters to me. I love you. That's urgent like a muthafucka.

Urgent, indeed.



SynSational said...

What is this I see?? Am I FIRST?!? WOOO-HOOO! LOL

I love that movie...love it. Sooo, love, huh? Hmmmm....

A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

ooh sweetness...you're falling in love!

that's truly wonderful, perhaps it'll cut down on some of your damn cynicsm!

Shai said...

Lovejones my fav. So now you getting soft? At least from my initial reading of your blog, I thought you were a lil hard. LOL.

You must really miss the D cause you keep coming back here. LOL.

Knockout Zed said...

Love? I don't see how you got that.

@Miss Ahmad
You see love too hunh? I'm talking about writing.

Nope, I'm still a "G".

I do miss the "D", I just don't know if I could live there again.


A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

ooh yea baby i see love....like that lil boy saw ghosts:-)

Anonymous said...

hehe ... my son calls himself a "G", too. I always find that amusing.

I'm starting to get the hang of these posts. They are never about what they appear to be about, right?

Knockout Zed said...

@Miss Ahmad
You got some extra special vision going on there.

Exactly, mama. This post was about the power of writing.


aquababie said...

the movie is only cornball when you're in love. i feel the same way about "love & basketball" and all those "black love" joints.

i watched it last year when the break-up was fresh and i was like damn...that's me!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Zeddie in love and all that...

Love Jones, that movie brings back so many memories. Ten years ago was the last time I was in love, stupid dumbstruck blindly madly whipped crazy stupid...I own the Love Jones soundtrack on CD but I cant even listen to it... especially not "The Sweetest Thing" by Lauren Hill. I cant ever let myself fall in love like that again. It was too painful when it ended ((clasping chest, feeling melancholy))

Anonymous said...

...and another thing,


I dont care if you are in love stay in your house till the temperature rises...

...maybe you can have her come by and get stranded at your house during 'movie night.'


Knockout Zed said...

Y'all swear I'm in love! I love the way it hit all those emotional buttons. It was well written.

Damn, I'm sorry to hear about things not turning out so well, especially in conjuntion with that movie and that soundtrack! But once again, I'm not in love.

I definitely had to be where I was though. Ice be damned!


aquababie said...

if you ain't in love, you in something :)...

sj-the-infamous said...

"Lil Miss Sunshine" is my.favorite.movie of 2006. I was SO not expecting the end. In fact, my friends and I have seen it so much we know the dance and have been prone to bust out in public....

Angel said...

that's one of my favorite scenes in the movie as well... i see you getting your cuddle time in!

Disco said...

wow dude......

Not the cornball..... but I understand how it just is "different" now......

Love the sentiment.