Monday, March 05, 2007

Even Esteban

I've heard one or two of you asking, "Zedediah, when is karma gonna bite you in the ass? You are highly anti-social and pretty arrogant. Something's gotta give." I say to you, one and all, first of all "fuck you". Second of all, here's the story of how karma bit me in the ass.

I had a pretty good weekend. I got my income tax refund back and I was enjoying a portion of the money that I wasn't going to put in my savings account. I bought some frivolous shit, some necessary shit, and was looking at some HDTVs that I might like to buy in the near future.

I even went to see Zod.iac on Sunday afternoon, which I loved. Something about how darkness draws people in. It was confirmed upon viewing that C.hloe Se.vigny is the ugliest white woman in movies today. I'm sure even her mother would say so.

Anyway, I'm driving to run a few errands and my beloved, my favorite girl, Bluey The Bomba Momma, starts lurching. I'm on a busy street and I'm going in 10 mph spurts. The truck stops, then moves. I know what's happening, but I don't want to believe it.

I lurch my ass all the way up to where I work and park in the lot. I can't really keep trying to drive Bluey to my house. I decide to keep it in the lot and get a ride home. I have nobody to call, mainly because I don't wanna be bothered by anybody. I don't have anyone's phone number in my celly because I don't ever call 'em, so my frat brothers couldn't help. I called the one person I could call in the city: Batshit. Wouldn't you know it, she was out of town. I was fucked.

What were my choices? ET, Carmel, Vice-Mayor Ass Pirate, Luther? I had a lot of choices, all involving unpleasant people. I looked through my phone and started calling (almost) anybody that had a local area code. Nobody was answering. I took a shot at calling a friend of an acquaintance who had been trying to help promote our Friday events in nearby Lucifer's Rectum. Of all the messages I left, she was the one that came through. So that's how I got home.

I took the car in to be serviced today. Bluey needs a new transmission that's gonna cost $2000. The exact same amount I was gonna put into savings from my tax return. So I guess that's a net no-loss. And I get to treat the people I know a little better for any future issues that might come up. Everybody wins!

Be Cool,


1969 said...

It never fails. Never ever. You could look at it as a blessing that it broke down when you HAD the money, right?

Miz JJ said...

I guess SA doesn't have cabs. Sorry to hear about your truck.

Knockout Zed said...

Every year, Bluey has the last word on how I spend my money.

@Miz JJ
Ah, there's the rub. SA has cabs, they just don't run 24-7. And Sunday's are something special! Catching one is pure hell. I had to catch one this morning to get to work.


Nexgrl said...

I truly feel for you. In your case, it's the car that acts up when you get that money. In my case, it's the house.

Angel said...

DAG! is this "bluey's" way of protesting your recent happy spurt? :-/ you've had the car a WHILE, right? is it time to give it a "proper burial...?"

Disco said...

why are you INSISTENT (you AND TAD) on throwing GOOD money after bad...... I am with Fallen Angel.....but then again, I simply CANNOT do the "potentially unreliable" car thing.....

Get rid of that thing....

Disco said...

P.S. I am GLAD that ole Guano was out of town..... HA!

A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

2 grand is a nice down payment on a reliable ride...

so maybe you're attached to bluey and i would say that it's your good karma that the thing acted up when you had some money...

DivineLavender said...

Man, if you can ditch the car and roll with public trans. It is cheaper and their ain't enough wars to keep gas prices and repairs cost down.

Then again it is sho was nice to jump in my warm ride...without bruthaman selling me incense and socks!

Knockout Zed said...

I've been there too. Hot water heater, furnace, etc. just when you get a little breathing room financially. It sux.

That's a positive way of looking at it. So I guess you know that's not the way I'm looking at it, right? LOL

Who had a happy spurt? Not I!

It's funny, TAD told me I should get a new grip, too. You know that's saying something.

@Miss Ahmad
I love Bluey. I lost my virginity in Bluey. Well...not really, but I'm sure I took somebody's virginity in there. Anyway, I can't sell Bluey. It would be like selling my child, and since I'm not a former slaveowning President of the U.S., that's unfathomable.

When I lived in Detroit, I used to walk to work. That was always the coolest shit. Now I actually need a car because I'd have to walk quite a few miles on the icy gravel shoulder of a 55 mph posted limit road to get to a busstop. In the dead of winter, it's not an option.

Damn, your guy has socks? My guy has baby formula.


Angie said...

Put the two grand on a new car man!

Anonymous said...

When I lived in Newton Center, Mass they had one cab and two drivers. Thank God I moved somewhere with regular cab service, now if they would only pick up Black women...

Blessing in disguise that a newly purchased HDTV wasnt sitting in the back of your truck when it died!!!

That was chump change. Your real blessing money is on its way with your new job...

aquababie said...

how old is bluey again??? i agree with folk...get a new ride. i had to do the same thing with old dirty red ( my pickup). after it started breaking down, it wasn't worth the hassle.

Beana said...

nah man, just fix bluey. car payments are a bitch. every time I think i'm going to go payment free, something happens and I end up in a new car.

A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

well you might feel differently the next time bluey needs a couple of grand. are you sure that wasn't included in the warauntee or something?

Disco said...

Lookie here....

If TAD'S "not-wanting-a-new-car-this-bitch-will-die-on-me-in-a-100-below-zero-snowstorm-and-I-STILL-won't-get-a-new-car " ass said get a new car that is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!! I beeeeeeeeeeeen trying to get THAT heffa to GET.RID.OF that piece'a junk SHE keeps putting money in and get another one. So, tell her "I'll get a new/newer-used one if yo ass does" ! :-)I have given up on askin' that heffa to get a better car..... **shrug**.....cause she so damn STUB.BORN and won't listen to NO.BODY. It would take her momma to tellher and then she MIGHT take heed.....other than that....I can fu'get about her even thinking about it!

And the way I see it, ONE of ya'll mufucka's needs to have a VERY reliable car.....what happened if BOTH ya'l are calling each other on the same day and are both stranded because ya'lls mobiles done died the last of 1,000 deaths? Tradgedy......

ONE of ya'l needs a new/newer-used car!!!!!! DAMN!