Tuesday, July 10, 2007

America Is Weird, Yo

Yesterday in Detroit, the NAACP buried the "N" word. I'm from Detroit. Trust me when I say some Africans did some grave robbing last night. Them n.igga.s don't play!

I will guaran-fucking-tee you that if you took a poll right now more white people are madder at O.J. Simp.son than Osa.ma Ben La.den. O.J. killed two people.

I'll go you one further. More white people are madder at Bar.ry Bon.ds than at Osa.ma. B.arry Bond.s has killed zero people.

Mark McGuire? Lovable scamp.

How come black people stopped claiming Paula Abdul? If we take 'em fabulous, we gotta take 'em flawed.

I have a new "nanny reality" show to pitch to the networks. It's called "Dr. Black Grandma". She only has one prescription for what ails your kids. "Whup dey monkey ass!"

You know what I never wanna talk about for the rest of my life? My fuckin' haircut.

Attrition is underrated. Good fuckin' riddance from the workforce, baby boomers. Don't let the door knob hit you on the way out.

I was looking at pornography the other day and got bored, which, I do believe, is the seventh sign of the apocalypse.

The shit I hate about small towns? I went to court today for a traffic ticket. The officer didn't show. In Detroit, that means the ticket is dismissed without prejudice. In Satan's Anus? They reschedule your court date. That, my friends, is utter bullshit.

Watch these little pundit shows on cable. The muthafuckas shouting the loudest about "the culture of victimization" among minority groups shout the loudest about being victimized by everybody else. I guess it's all in who's doing the suffering.

Salt is cheap as hell. Can we make cars that run on salt? Just a stupid ass thought.

We need a Bureau of Missing White Women, so the rest of law enforcement energies can be directed on other shit. I'm just saying.

I personally have seen in the past two weeks, in crowded social situation, at least four white men dig up their asses to retrieve errant underwear, then continue in conversation as if nothing is happening. What the fuck is that? What part of the game is that? For real, hustla?

I'm Out,


Miz JJ said...

I have no idea why Mark MacGuire gets a pass. I guess because he cried like a little bitch when he was called in front of the senate committee.

Dr. Black Grandmaa would be a hit until she got charged with aggravated assault.

Attrition can not happen soon enough for me either. Later old people. If I never hear "Well, we have never done it that way..." ever again it will be too soon.

The Brown Blogger said...

I'm going to CNN to audition for field reporter so I can be the sarcastic negro when reporting bout' them missing white women.

I'll try my best Ollie Williams impersonation on camera.

"she gone!"
"she been dead"
"hubby did it! - who want some babies?"

I'll also try to throw in info on a sister or two on the sly.

A.u.n.t. Jackie said...


I got my first moving violation of my life in December. I had to pay to go to driving school which was a few Hundred, then do the damn driving school and while all of that was going on I racked up another $250 in parking tickets!

I'm getting a damn bike!

mrs.tj said...

white woman missing...just throw the S.O. in jail..you know he did it.

Better yet...white man dig up his ass, smell his fingers, then try to shake your hand. Fuck You! i don't need the job that! I don't need the job that bad!

Knockout Zed said...

I'm holding the door open for the boomers. Please just go!

LOL @ Ollie Williams. That's my shit!

I've gotten two moving violations in the past month after 14 years of getting just one. This city is a fucking living, breathing speed trap. They are sabotaging my insurance.

@Mrs. TJ
They should just put the S.O. in the joint without a trial. No due process whatsoever. Just jail his ass.

That public ass digging thing is a white phenomenon. I don't even wanna know what other shit goes on that I'm missing.


Little Brown Girl said...

I'm tired of waiting for Attrition, I'm about to start bumping cats off!

Missing white women...I hadn't even noticed they was gone Eh!

And you're wrong for that white men diggin in the azz comment...you know I gots a weak stomach!

I have still not gotten over the hair...probably never will *sigh*

1969 said...

Mark MacGuire cried like a damn baby. Punk azz.

It's always the husband when Euro females go missing. Black men just leave for some cigarettes and never come back. LOL