Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Productivity Lag

This month, this February, has been nothing but a productivity Black Hole for me. I've delegated almost everything I do to all of my staff. I haven't written anything but blogs, I haven't read anything but e-mails and magazines. I have books I want to read, but I can't finish the book I've been reading since November (!!!), because I had only been reading about a page a week. Now I'm not even doing that.

I was at home last night watching some show on The Discovery Channel, I forget, I think it was "The World's Yeastiest Pussies" or something like that. Anyway, I'm sitting there on my laptop and I'm half-assed researching job opportunities. I say I wanna go, I act like I wanna go, but I'm not even putting forth the effort needed to get the fuck outta here. I'm more interested in the yeasty pussies. Imagine that! Anything is better than doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

I spent some time last night thinking about my old gig and my old boss, "New Money". We called her New Money because she had a huge fuckin' face. Anyway, New Money would call a meeting and harvest ideas. She'd steal your shit from you, present it as her own and get kudos for it. It was blatant. When you were alone with her, she'd call the idea "ours". With the bigwigs, she would call the idea "mine". The reason I thought of her was because New Money didn't have my (or any of my co-workers') skill set, so she had to steal. I've got 3 people on my staff who I've been delegating to, and I did all of their jobs plus mine at my old gig. I still don't have to steal, but I will give 'em my shit to do.

The bottom line is, I was feeling bad about shoveling my shit to them when in reality, I'm still a better boss than the ones I've had. My area of responsibility in Detroit was 4 times larger than theirs and that was just a portion of the city. Plus they got each other, they get to specialize, so I say "fuck it", and the guilt dissipates. I gotta work on my productivity in the other facets of my life, but on the work front, I'll be cool.

Stay Focused,


Miz JJ said...

Looking for a job is like moving. A massive pain in the ass. Good luck!

Gemini Girl aka GG said...

I'm with you ZEDMASTER...I've done more today..the last day of the month then I've done ALL FREAKIN MONTH!!!

My staff asked: "who put a quarter in your slot machine??"

I've just been pre-occupied in other SCHTUFF...not my own - other folks...not wanting to do a damn thing...shovelling all my "TO DO" lists under more lists, under papers, under more piles of shit til it got lost...

I'm okay with it, glad u r 2!


onefromphilly said...

When I was a traffic engineer in Philly with responsibility for 1/4 of the 5th largest city in the US and only two investigators, I could grind. I was a dang good Captain.

Now at this job, I have an army of contractors, hardly enough work to keep one person busy and I can sit here and actually produce NOTHING all day. I'm not sure I could even make Private now.

Paula D. said...

You will find something even better. Good luck with the search!

YouToldHarpoTaBeatMe said...

I don't think I'd be clearing out my desk just yet. Sister Big Face is gonna fall...HARD.

Nobody rises to the top on their own and the bigwigs have probably already noticed that HER ideas are not her OWN.

Knockout Zed said...

I can't believe I didn't answer any of y'all. Sorry!

@Miz JJ
Thanks. I'm gonna need it.

I'm thirsty enough. I'm in the friggin' Sahara.

Damn, baby, who did put a quarter in your slot? Next time, can I watch? LOL

Yeah, I think at my level of motivation these days, I could be a buck private.

@Paula D.
You all optimistic and shit. That's beautiful. I need that. Thank you.

New Money is so loved at my old gig, they'll never let her go. She'll bullshit her way to the top.